A R E Y O U R E A D Y?
Following Jesus should be practical and straightforward. Jesus modeled a whole life and even told us how to follow Him in HIS OWN WORDS (the red letters found in many Bibles). The best way to follow Jesus is simply to follow the words of Jesus. What could happen if we spent 40 days putting the words of Jesus (the red letters in the Bible) into practice? LET’S FIND OUT!
We want EVERY family/person to have a book that goes along with the study. (Books are $18 if you would like to donate to offset the cost). We are looking forward to a successful 40-day challenge to help us all grow closer to Christ. Please reserve a copy of the Adult or Kids book by filling out this ‘Red Letter Challenge’ form:
The RED LETTER CHALLENGE will be introduced on Sunday, Sept. 12th, so reserve your copy today and pick up your book on Sunday! To reserve a book and/or join a group (children, youth, young adults, & adult groups), go to:
Breakfast Potluck: Sunday, Sept. 12th, 9:30 am-10:30 am, between the 8:30 & 10:30 Worship Services. Bring a dish to share! We will have displays showing the ministries we have to offer. A PERFECT time to invite your friends and neighbors!
The Daily Challenges begins Tuesday, September 14th.

RLC Study Groups We have several groups we’d love you to be a part of – that go along with this study! Let us know which you will be joining!
- Wednesday Nights at 6:45, beginning Sept. 15, we will have Adult (online & in person), Youth, and Children’s. Zoom link for Adults online:
- Sunday mornings. Beginning, Sept 19 we will offer the same Adult class, a Young Adult class, and different classes for Youth and Children.