Adult Small Groups

Name:  Disciple 1 Fast-Track Bible Study
Time:  Tuesday mornings, 10:00am  (Beginning Sept. 17th!)
Location: Room 105
Teacher:  Wendy Minshall
About:  Studying the Bible is an important part of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. “Disciple Fast Track: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study” draws upon the work of scholars, personal Bible reading and study, illustrated review video and group discussion to aid in understanding of the Bible. This class will cover the entire Bible—from Genesis to Revelation. Groups meet for a total of 24 weeks, broken down into two 12-week sessions, 3-5 chapters of the Bible to read daily. Weekly sessions last 75 minutes. All are welcome to join this class. Zoom will be available for those who might want to join from home or work. Note from the leader: I became a pastor in The United Methodist Church in 2013 and have been the pastor or PUMC since July of 2019. Going through the entire Disciple Bible Study Program in the early 2000’s sparked a love of scripture which eventually lead to my going into vocational ministry. I hope you will join me on this journey of discipleship. If you’d like more information, contact Pastor Wendy at
Name:  Cultivating Holy Justice
Time:  2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7:00pm   (Ongoing!)
Location: Online: Zoom
Facilitator:  Wendy Minshall & Melissa Waugh
About:  We are called to ‘seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly’ with God. In this class we take a look at ethnicity as it relates to culture, issues of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and groups of people who struggle in our society due to prejudice and injustice. We have read and discussed books like “White Fragility,” “The Undocumented Americans,” “American Islamophobia,” “Beyond Welcome,” “It Could Happen Here,” “Minor Feelings,” “Caste,” “Suffrage,” and “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory; American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.” NOTE: There is a lot of reading in this class. If you’d like more information, contact Pastor Wendy at Zoom link:
Name:  Wednesday Night Refresher
Time:  Wednesday evenings following dinner, 7:00pm  (Beginning Sept. 18th!)
Location: Room 105
Teacher:  Jack Schroyer
About:  After dinner,  join Jack Schroyer for a time of devotion, prayer, and discussion. No prep needed, just join us in Room 105 to have your spirit refreshed! (this class will not meet on the Wednesday nights we have special speakers which is TYPICALLY the 2nd Wednesday of the month).  If you’d like more information, contact Jack at

Name:  Thursday Morning Women’s Group

Time:  Thursday mornings, 9:30 (Ongoing!)
Location: Room 105
Teacher:  Donna Andrews
About:  This is a group of women who love and care well for one another and the church!  All are welcome to join anytime! The Women’s Bible Study on Thursday mornings at 10:00am. A light brunch is served at 9:30 with the study following. 
 If you’d like more information, contact Donna at