Traditional Worship Service: 8:30am * Contemporary Worship Service: 10:30am

We are located at:

20521 S. School Road, Peculiar, MO 64078

Contact us at (816) 779-5777 or church@peculiarumc.org

This church’s doors are open wide and welcome is offered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

We invite you to worship with us and share in the close fellowship we have with one another.

Peculiar United Methodist Church is open to all who seek a closer relationship with God. 

Our Pastor:  Rev. Wendy Minshall

Our Mission: Making Disciples For Jesus Christ

Our Bedrock Beliefs:

  • God’s love is unconditional.
  • Jesus is Savior and Lord.
  • The Holy Spirit is active in our world today.

Our Core Values: Joy, Authenticity, Commitment